
To God be the glory! Everything we do in music ministry is to give honor and praise to God. Whether you are a musical beginner or an expert, child or adult, there is a place for you in the FBC Reidsville Music Ministry.
 It is our goal to present music that glorifies God, edifies the faithful, and ministers to all who worship with us.  See the information below about the many opportunities our Music and Worship Ministry provides for service.  Click the link below to contact our Music Director.

Glorify God Through Music

Worship music is led by our Praise Team, and we also offer other ways to serve in our Music Ministry.  Our Multigenerational Choir practices and sings seasonally.  We have a seasonal Hand Bell Choir for anyone interested in participating.  A few Sundays a year, our Children's Choir and Preschool Choir share their talents with us as well.  

The Multigenerational Choir and Hand Bell Choir practice after our worship service on Sundays.  Preschool Choir and Children's Choir practice at 6:00pm on Wednesdays at the start of their small group time.   Come join our Music Ministry!