Our Praise Team leads worship music that includes contemporary praise music, modern hymns, and traditional hymns. No matter the type of music, we praise the Lord for He alone is worthy of our praise!
Come As You Are
FBC Reidsville is a place for everyone! We believe that we are all sinners in need of a Savior! Some people wear suits while others choose jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. We do not worry about what people wear. We only want to provide a place for sinners to worship our Redeemer, Jesus! In other words, come as you are!
Expository Sermons
Here at FBC Reidsville, both of our pastors preach expositionally. What does this mean and why is it important? The simple answer is that we believe God's Word is infallible, is God-breathed to the authors who wrote the various books of the Bible, and we want to let the text speak for itself. Most of the sermons you hear at FBC Reidsville will be part of a series from a book of the Bible, and we will walk through the text each Sunday to better understand and live out the Word of God together.
We Grow Together
We provide sermon notes that go along with each section of text we cover, so you can look over your notes and the supplemental Scriptures listed in those notes throughout the week. We also provide sermon notes pages for children so that they are engaged and learn during the sermons as well. Our goal is to praise God (Glorify), learn from His Word (Grow), and live out the Great Commission (Go). Join us!
Your Safety is our Priority
We have a team of volunteers who monitor the campus during Sunday School and Worship to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. When you arrive on campus, we know you and your children will be safe at all times.